

Rolfing works to discover the ways the body has been responding to the demands of the environment.

Sessions reconnect sensory awareness to improve posture, balance and coordination.

Rolfing brings attention to our habitual and dysfunctional movement patterns. Hands-on tissue release and movement education work together to optimise breathing, gait and core stability.

75 minutes |  90 €  


Every individual body has a complex history and therefore every single one of our massages is unique and constantly adapted according to how a person responds.

With over 1500 hours training in specialist massage and bodywork workshops across the world your well-being massage is tailored specifically to you.

60 minutes |  90 €

90 minutes | 130 € 

Rolfing® or massage sessions are not medical or paramedical treatments.

Rolfing® is not involved with the prevention, treatment or diagnosis of any kind of physical or mental medical health problems.

Together we can design the right session for you.